Mother nature, the earth is our home. For hundreds of years we have not been very kind to it. From air pollution to waste in the oceans, we are killing our planet day by day, that’s why, if only we the people as individuals took small steps to help our planet, it can have a great impact.
You don’t necessarily have to become an activist and start protesting, but here are small habits and ways for you to stay eco-friendly and sustainable.
Do you sometimes forget to turn off the lights when you go to bathrooms or when you visit a room? It’s such a small habit, but you can just remember to turn off your lights whenever you are not using the room or certain appliances.
This small action can save you money on the electricity bill and in some ways help the planet from overusing energy.
We all can understand how public transportation can be a little frustrating. There are homeless people, or drunks who make the journey uncomfortable or maybe you just don’t like being around people.
However, taking public transportation can clear up traffic jams, and help conserve fuel as a whole. Governments should be making public transportation clean and efficient, so that in the end we won’t need any private method of transportation.
However, it has to start somewhere and the government needs funds to maintain public transportation. So try taking public transportation from time to time.
Interestingly, we are very wasteful when we are not in our own country. When travel to someone else’s home in a way, it is not our problem to deal with later. However, we all can learn to be humble and responsible when we are visiting someone else’s home, when they are welcoming us.
You can read tips from different websites and advice for being a responsible traveller. There are certain travel agencies that advocate eco-friendly tourism as well.
When brushing your teeth, how often do you close the faucet? Or do you let the tap water keep running? Did you know a minute of a fully running faucet can fill a bucket? Now imagine yourself turning on the faucet for 2 minutes and multiply that by 30 days whenever you brush your teeth.
You have 60 buckets of water that could be saved. Now image millions of people wasting 60 buckets of water every month. Those small things add up, so you need to be mindful of that.
In Australia, people don’t usually take baths and instead shower for maximum of 5 minutes because water is scarce.
Turning off the faucet is a small solution but can go a long way.
Plastic is very harmful to the environment. It takes a few seconds to make, but thousands of years to biodegrade. So what ends up happening is that the harmful chemicals and material get stuck in oceans or stay for much longer in the landfill.
Instea of plastic bags, reuse leather bags, and opt for recycled papers.
Lastly, just learn to recycle your waste such as plastic, paper, and metals. Instead of throwing it without a second thought, you must throw those wast responsibly.